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University of Federal Armed Forces,
Institute for information Systems
Munich, Germany

Distinguished Experts Panel

IM2007 features a Distinguished Experts Panel on Grid Computing - Moving from Bits to Business Value on Thursday at 15:00h. We are happy to introduce our panelists:

Dr. Joe Betser, The Aerospace Corporation, USA (Chair)

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Joe Betser is a Senior Project Leader for Strategic Planning, Knowledge Management, and Business Development with the Aerospace Corporation.  Joe Betser joined Aerospace in 1991, established the network management laboratory, and served as a DARPA Principal Investigator for networking and information assurance programs.  He received multiple commendations including the GPS Program Recognition Award, and awards for serving as a Program Chair and General Co-Chair of the Ground System Architectures Workshop (GSAW).  Dr. Betser served as the Vendor Program Chair of the IFIP/IEEE IM 1993 in San Francisco, recruiting 39 company sponsors and leading five networked technology centers demonstrating SNMPv2, OSI, RMON, OMNI-Point, & Applications.  Joe was commended repeatedly for spearheading university outreach activities, and also received international citations from the IEEE and IFIP for leading global activities.  Joe serves on multiple boards, including the President's Corporate Advisory Committee of Harvey Mudd College.  He has a B.S. in aerospace engineering, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science, and an executive MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode, TU Munich, Germany

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Prof. Bode has been working in the fields of parallel and distributed computing for 30 years. Since 1987 Arndt Bode holds the chair for computer technology and computer organization at Technische Universität München. He runs a variety of research projects in the field of computer architecture, tools and applications for parallel and distributed systems. He is member of the board of Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, the German Supercomputer Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Since 1999 he is Vice President and CIO of Technische Universität München and general editor of the widespread professional magazine "Informatik-Spektrum".

Dr. Mike Fisher, BT, UK

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Mike Fisher leads the Distributed Computing Research group at BT which has a focus on management of large-scale distributed IT infrastructure, including Grids, and is contributing to IT-related aspects of BT’s 21st Century Network architecture.  Mike’s research interests in 18 years with BT have included optical materials and devices, network design, distributed middleware, active networks and policy-based management.  His group is currently leading the Business and Operational Issues work package in the European collaborative project NextGRID. He is Chairman of the ETSI Technical Committee on GRID and represents BT on the Steering Committee of the NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative) European Technology Platform in which he is also co-chair of the Service Oriented Infrastructure Working Group.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch, D-Grid, Germany

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Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch is head of the German D-Grid Initiative. Before, he was managing director at MCNC Grid Computing and Networking Services and lead the North Carolina Grid initiative, and he was Sun's senior director of grid computing. He is member of the standards Open Grid Forum Steering Committee, responsible for coordinating the major grid projects around the world. He is Co-Chair of the CEC e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) which targets at building one e-Science infrastructure for all Europe. He is adjunct professor of computer science at Duke University in Durham and at the University Charlotte, and visiting scientist at the Renaissance Computing Institute of the University of Chapel Hill. He also serves on US President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).

Pascale Primet, INRIA, France

Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet is senior researcher at the National Institute of Research in Computer Science (INRIA).  She is leading the INRIA RESO team within the LIP laboratory of the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. She is a member of the  Grid5000's - French Computer Science - Grid initiative - steering committee, of the scientific "Networks and Telecoms" expert committee of CNRS (National Research and Science Center) and of the French National Research Agency. Her interests include Grid computing and Grid networking, network and Internet protocols, network architecture, quality of service, network measurement, high-speed and  low-latency nets, programmable networks. She has co-chaired the GGF Data Transport Research Group, and participates in a variety of International, European and National Grid projects including: DataGRID, DataTAG, eToile, GRID5000, GdX, EC-GIN, HIPCAL, CARRIOCAS. She is co-chairing of the PFLDnet and Gridnets conference steering  committees and member of numerous international program committees, is member of IEEE and is active in the OGF (Open Grid Forum).